Q01: How many students are there in your school?
In Indiranagar Branch we have 100 students. At Devanahalli School, we have more than 500 students registered, at ArkavathyLayout, the school has only 100 children.
Q02: Do you charge any fees?
We do not charge anything. Complete education from nursery to post-graduation is100% free of cost.
Q03: How do you fund the Education? Do you get any aid from the government or foreign agencies?
We do not get any aid from Government or other Agencies. We run on public donations and the good will of people. Kindly visit our "Donate Now"
Q04: To feed, Provide clothes and Educate over 700 students every day is a big task. How do you manage?
Aid comes to us in the form of money, materials, resources and volunteering from people who wish to contribute to the cause. We have our faith in God.You and I are merely running the show down here.
Q05: Do you face any financial problems?
The situation is always like hand to mouth existence, but we have survived almost 20 years and would survive many more for this noble cause. Help is always welcome in all forms.
Q06: Is RakumGuruji married?
He is married to this karma yoga and is happy to have over 700 Children.
Q07: : Do you accept excess food from Events?
We do accept excess food from events like weddings, festivals, birthday parties and from your homes as well. Why waste such effort and good food when there are needy everywhere.
Q01: Is there any advantage in donating online?
When you donate online, you help twice over, as it is the most cost-efficient channel of collecting funds for Rakum School for the Blind.
Q02: Is it very complicated to donate online?
Donating online is very simple and safe. There are multiple options. Choose your cause for donation and just make the click.
Q03:Is it safe to give my credit card details online?
We adopt stringent security measures to ensure that critically sensitive information, such as your personal information and your credit card details are protected. These measures include all your personal information being encrypted before it is transmitted over the Internet. This guarantees that your information is inaccessible to any technology by data encryption.
Q04: How are online donations processed? Is it safe ?
We use CC Avenue to process online donations:
Q05: Does everybody have to register in order to donate online?
One needs to register online so that we can send you a receipt.
Q06: How safe is my personal information with Rakum Schools on the Website?
We are committed to protecting your personal information provided to us.
Q07: What if I need to update the change in my address or phone number?
You have complete control over your personal information on the website. You can change all your personal data - Name, Address, Contact details and Email ID. However, you cannot change your user ID and password.
Q08: What Should I do in case I forget my password?
Please click the 'Forgot Password' link. Enter your email ID and the password will be mailed to you.
Q09: Are there any tax benefits for donating to Rakum Schools?
All donations to Sri Rakum School for the Blind are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80G(5) (VI) of the Income Tax Act
Q10: Can I send foreign currency ?
We are unable to accept foreign funds at present, as we have not registered for FCRA. Non resident Indians (NRIs) can donate in INR
Q11: How can we contact you ?
Our contact details are available on the Reach Us Page "Contact Us"
AcharyaRakum School for The Blind
No 421, Sri Krishna Temple Road,
Indiranagar Ist Stage,
Bangalore, India.
Pin : 560 038
Tel: +91 (80) 25215253 / +91 (80) 25215705